89 Following


Currently reading

Paper Towns
John Green
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon
FOREST - Love, Loss, Legend
Rod Raglin
Progress: 76 %
A Storm of Swords Part 2 - Blood and Gold
George R.R. Martin
Progress: 50/554 pages


Enslaved in Shadows - Tigris Eden

Won this Ebook the other day, thank you! Haven't received it yet tho :( x

How cute!

Loss De Plott, The Colour Red - Stephan J. Myers

Won this in a giveaway, Thank you! What a cute book! Looking forward to reading more in the series soon! Very easy to read, great when you have a few minutes spare!

Loved it!

If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1) - Mary J. Williams

Won this in a giveaway (Thank you!) Just finished it, loved it! Hard to put down! Recently won book 2 in the series, cannot wait to read it! Would definately recommend this author! Will keep an eye out for future reads by Mary! X


Tristan (A Kendall Family Novel, #1) - Randi Everheart

Won this in a giveaway, very good book! Brilliant ending, can't wait to read more from this author, really enjoyed it! Will keep my eye out for more in the series 

Looks good!

FOREST - Love, Loss, Legend - Rod Raglin

Started this today, up to chapter 3 so far, sounds interesting, not sure what is going to happen, cant wait to find out!


The Captain's Bluestocking Mistress - Erica Ridley

Won this in a giveaway, couldn't put it down! Will keep eye out for the rest in the series!

Reading progress update: I've read 50 out of 554 pages.

A Storm of Swords Part 2 - Blood and Gold - George R.R. Martin

Getting better :)

Reading progress update: I've read 32 out of 554 pages.

A Storm of Swords Part 2 - Blood and Gold - George R.R. Martin

Enjoying it so far :)